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Resolution of Board of Management on Changing company name (Only available in VNM)

Annual Resolution of Board of Management 2011 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders in 2011 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Resolution of Board of Management 2010 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders in 2010 (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management on requesting for shareholders’ opinions in writing (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management for advanced dividends (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management of the separate issuance 2009 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Resolution of General Meeting of Shareholders in 2009 (Only available in VNM)

Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders 2009 (Only available in VNM)

Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders 2008 (Only available in VNM)