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Minutes of counting votes of General Meeting of Shareholders 2015 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders in 2015 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Resolution of Board of Management 2014 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders in 2014 (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management for Paying dividends postponement (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management for opinions on removing board member (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management – Conventing the General Meeting of Shareholders (Only available in VNM)

Annual Resolation of Board of Management 2013 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders in 2013 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Resolution of Board of Management 2012 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders in 2012 (Only available in VNM)

Report on the capital using situation of the issuance of 14.25 million shares (Only available in VNM)