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Resolution of Board of Management – Conventing the General Meeting of Shareholders in 2016 (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of the Board of Management on adjusting investment target (Only available in VNM)

Annual Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders in 2016 (Only available in VNM)

Report to Board of Management (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management on board member resigning (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management on election of Deputy Manager (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of the Board of Management of Establishing Indorama Ventures – Ngoc Nghia International Packaging One Member Company Limited (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management 14th Aug 2015 (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management on JE’s resigning (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management on Transfering KMB Shares (Only available in VNM)

Resolution on Paying dividends for 2015 (Only available in VNM)

Annual Resolution of Board of Management 2015 (Only available in VNM)