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Annual Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders in 2017 (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management 7th Mar 2017 (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of Board of Management 21th Oct 2016 (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of the Board of Management of Indorama Ventures – Ngoc Nghia Industry – Service – Trading Joint Stock Company – Establishing and appointing a representative to contribute capital in La Maison International Delicious Meat Company Limited (Only available in VNM)

Statement of review & approval of Financial report of 2016 (Only available in VNM)

Regulations of General Annual Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (Only available in VNM)

Regulations of General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 (Only available in VNM)

Resolution to increase charter capital for Indorama Ventures – Ngoc Nghia International Packaging One Member Company Limited (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of the Board of Management of Indorama Ventures – Ngoc Nghia Industry – Service – Trading Joint Stock Company – Changing representative of Vietnam PET Joint Stock Company Limited (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of the Board of Management of Indorama Ventures – Ngoc Nghia Industry – Service – Trading Joint Stock Company – Establishing International Delicious Meat Company Limited (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of the Board of Management of establishing branch of Indorama Ventures – Ngoc Nghia Industry – Service – Trading Joint Stock Company (Only available in VNM)

Resolution of the Board of Management of contributing capital in Thai Long Mechanic Company Limited (Only available in VNM)