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Notice on signing Auditing Contract for Financial Statements 2021

Resolution of BOD No. 01A-T10-21/NQ/HĐQT/IVL-NN on approving to select the independent auditor for Company’s fiscal year of 2021

Company Charter Oct 04th 2021

Resolution of Board of Directors no: 03-T08-21/NQ/HĐQT/IVL-NN on obtaining for General Meeting of Shareholders’ written opinions on transferring the balance of The Bonus and welfare fund to undistributed profits

Notice on the final date of registration to obtaining shareholders’ written opinions

Resolution of Board of Directors no: 01-T08-21/NQ/HĐQT/IVL-NN on requesting for General Meeting of Shareholders’ opinions on adjusting the Business lines

Notice on the final date of registration to implement the right of existing shareholders

Notice on the final date of registration to implement the right of shareholders to participate in Annual General Meeting 2021

Resolution of the BOD on Extending the time to organize the Annual Shareholders Meeting 2021 (Only available in VNM)

Explanation for Half-year Financial Statement 2020

Company Charter Feb 04th 2020