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Announcement of PTO result of affiliated persons of internal person from Bui Bich Hong

Announcement of PTO result of internal person from La Van Hoang

Announcement of PTO result of internal person from La Bui Hoang Nghia

Announcement of PTO result of internal person from La Bui Hong Ngoc

Notice on the final date of registration to obtaining shareholders’ written opinions (Record Date)

Notice of transaction of affiliated persons of internal person from MAXENCE, CHARLES, ERIC VANDERLYNDEN (revised)

Notice of transaction of affiliated persons of internal person from Tempel Four Limited (revised)

Notice of transaction of internal person from La Bui Hong Ngoc (revised)

Notice of transaction of affiliated persons of internal person from Bui Bich Hong (revised)

Notice of transaction of internal person from La Bui Hoang Nghia (revised)

Notice of transaction of internal person from La Van Hoang (revised)

Notice of transaction of affiliated persons of internal person from MAXENCE, CHARLES, ERIC VANDERLYNDEN