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Notice of transaction of affiliated persons of internal person from MAXENCE, CHARLES, ERIC VANDERLYNDEN

Notice of transaction of affiliated persons of internal person from Tempel Four Limited

Notice of transaction of affiliated persons of internal person from Bui Bich Hong

Notice of transaction of internal person from La Bui Hong Ngoc

Notice of transaction of internal person from La Bui Hoang Nghia

Notice of transaction of internal person from La Van Hoang

Disclosure of tender offer of Indorama Netherlands B.V.

Notice of tender offer of Indorama Netherlands B.V.

Notice on cancelation of closing the list of shareholders to obtaining written opinions

Explanation for Financial Statement – 4th Quarter, 2021 (Stand-alone and Consolidated)

The stand-alone Financial Statements_4th Quarter, 2021

The Consolidated Financial Statement_4th Quarter 2021