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Form of requesting Shareholders’ written opinions No. 01-T04-22/IVL-NN/PLYKCD

Report on the day becoming major shareholders – Indorama Netherlands B.V.

Extending the time to hold AGM 2022

The Consolidated Financial Statement_1st Quarter 2022

The stand-alone Financial Statements_1st Quarter, 2022

Announcement of PTO result of affiliated persons of internal person from MAXENCE, CHARLES, ERIC VANDERLYNDEN

Annual Report 2021

Explanation for Financial Statement 2021 for the case the profit after tax in the reporting period has the difference before and after the audit

Announcement of PTO result of affiliated persons of internal person from Tempel Four Limited

Announcement of PTO result of affiliated persons of internal person from Bui Bich Hong

Announcement of PTO result of internal person from La Van Hoang

Announcement of PTO result of internal person from La Bui Hoang Nghia